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How to Dispose of Bricks, Soil & Rubble

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How to Dispose of Bricks, Soil & Rubble

Gone are the days when bricks, soil and rubble left over from a major building or gardening project could just be dumped into landfill and be done with. Quite apart from all the ethical concerns, since 1996 a landfill tax has been in place, which from April 2021 will increase to £96.70 per tonne. At CSH Environmental, we agree that everything should be done to encourage individuals and businesses to recycle where possible and in any case to dispose of all waste with the utmost regard for the environment. But that does beg the question: what do you do with them instead?



How to Dispose of Bricks

Complete bricks in decent condition are rarely a problem, because someone is always likely to have a use for them. Advertising them as available on a website like Freecycle or Facebook Marketplace will probably quickly find them a new home. Alternatively, you can use them yourself for a small project of your own, such as building a raised bed in your garden or perhaps even a barbecue.

Broken bricks don’t have the same reuse value, so if you’ll be disposing of them yourself, you don’t have that many options. As long as you don’t have too many to get rid of, you can of course load them into your car and take them down to the local recycling centre – don’t just load up a van, because most recycling centres will insist that you book those in advance and you may well get charged as well.


How to Dispose of Soil

If your project has resulted in complete bricks and soil that you need to do something with, then you could always use them both in that raised bed we talked about earlier. Alternatively, someone else might have a use for it, so if you’re not in a hurry to be rid of it, as with the bricks you could try letting others know that it’s available.

Small quantities of soil can be disposed of in a brown wheelie bin, but you shouldn’t try and get rid of it in a general waste wheelie bin; in fact, general waste bins will often be rejected if they contain garden waste, so it’s best not to risk it. 

Taking it down to the recycling centre in your own vehicle is another option, but it can be a very messy business, especially if the weather’s not been too good. And, in the end, you’re not going to get much more in your car than you can in a wheelie bin, so it may take a lot of trips and a lot of cleaning up afterwards.


How to Dispose of Rubble

When you’re considering how to get rid of rubble, you’ve got even fewer options than with bricks or soil, because it’s unlikely to have many alternative uses. When it’s collected by companies like CSH Environmental, it will generally be recycled by being compacted and then reused as hardcore. Unless you’ve only got a small quantity that you can take to the tip in your car, your best bet will always be to get someone to collect it.

With all this, remember that if you engage a tradesperson to do work which results in the need for the disposal of bricks, soil or rubble, it is their legal duty to do it. If you’re doing the work yourself, and you can’t find an alternative use, the simplest solution is to hire a skip from a waste disposal company and let them sort it out for you.

At CSH Environmental, we’ve been collecting and disposing of all kinds of waste from customers around Colchester, Chelmsford and Ipswich for over 40 years. Our commitment to Recycling for the Future means that you can use us confident that we’ll dispose of your waste responsibly every time. Contact us today for more information about our skip hire services or other waste collection suitable for any sized project.

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